Join us in Celebrating our 25th Anniversary!
Serving American Indian/Alaska Native communities since 1996
Angie Juarez-Monger
Tribal Wellness Court Specialist
Angie Juárez-Monger serves as the TLPI’s Tribal Wellness Court Specialist and is the co-project lead. Angie has extensive tribal court expertise. Before joining TLPI, she served the Southern Ute Indian Tribe for over twelve years as the Court Administrator (2017-2022) and Court Information Analyst/Grant Writer (2010-2017). She oversaw and managed several federal and state grant projects for the Tribal Court, including the tüüÇai (Wellness) Court, tüüÇai Court shortened tracks, and the implementation of Family Treatment Court. She also led trauma-informed efforts for the court through the OJJDP Defending Childhood Policy Initiative and continued work for the Southern Ute Tribal Court to be a trauma-informed court. She received a master's degree in the Administration of Justice where she was a Diversity Fellow and focused on justice system leadership. She also attended New Mexico State University and received a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice/Law & Society and was recognized for her research in juvenile facilities. She resides in Bayfield, CO.Â