Join us in Celebrating our 25th Anniversary!
Serving American Indian/Alaska Native communities since 1996
Deb Tobacco
Tribal Youth Training and Technical Assistance Specialist, TYRC
Deborah Tobacco (Oglala Sioux) serves as a Tribal Youth TTA Specialist for the TLPI’s Tribal Youth Resource Center. Deb is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and has 16 plus years of experience in the field of research on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation as well as a lifetime of experience coupled with degrees in social sciences (A.A-Specialized in Chemical Dependency), (B.S) in Human Services and (M.A) in Lakota Leadership and Management, and currently a Doctoral Learner in the field of Human Services discipline in Advanced Program Evaluation, with a specialization in Data Analytics. Deborah is a lifelong resident, born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, raising a family, and immersed in the ways of her people. In a world as complex and diverse as that which we live, and in relation to working with Indian tribes she understands that it is vital that a holistic and creative approach be not only understood, but at the forefront of the decision-making process in addressing wealth and health disparities. She uses her knowledge and wisdom to make social change in her community.